Ripple CTO’s Cryptic Tweet Sparks Speculation in XRP Space



Ripple CTO David Schwartz recently posted a cryptic tweet consisting of a right angle with a downward zigzag arrow, leaving the XRP community speculating about its meaning. On January 7, 2024, Schwartz tweeted the symbol without a caption. Hours later, he posted it again with a question mark. 

In a poll, Schwartz offered four options – three being the symbol in different forms, and one reading “Just show” – which garnered 72.3% of votes. Schwartz has yet to explain the tweet. 

However, XRP enthusiasts have now theorised what the symbol foreshadows. Some believe a major Ripple or XRP announcement approaches. Influencer XRP Cryptowolf wonders if it hints at something XRP-related. 

One user thinks Schwartz used blissymbols, or semantography, to convey a message. Though the precise meaning is unclear, the user says a zigzag represents lightning in this language, while a right angle symbolizes an arm. Therefore, the tweet may signal a breakthrough. 

After an excellent 2023 for Ripple and XRP, hopes are high for 2024. While the cryptic tweet’s interpretation remains uncertain, the XRP community keeps their fingers crossed for positive developments this year.

The tweet has sparked intrigue and speculation within the Ripple and XRP community. All eagerly await Schwartz’s eventual explanation of the symbol’s significance, presuming it indicates noteworthy news ahead for the company and cryptocurrency.

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